Modern-day audiences seem to have developed a taste for fear in more recent years...
In Thor’s third solo adventure, Asgard is, as always, in danger – this time from...
Dina Buno is a 49-year-old American woman who is marrying her boyfriend Scott Levin in...
Buena Vista Social Club: Adios is the sequel to Wim Wenders’s award-winning...
A documentary more than three years in the making, Rob Curry and Tim Plester’s...
In 2007, BBC Worldwide released Earth in cinemas shortly after David Attenborough’s...
After the claustrophobic thriller The Belko Experiment (released earlier this year), Wolf Creek director...
Russia has been in the artistic limelight this year due to the 100th anniversary of...
The Sundance award-winning documentary Unrest tells the story of Jennifer Brea, and others like her,...
In this directorial debut from Welsh-Zambian Rungano Nyoni, we learn of the corruption of the...