School Life, directed by Neasa Ní Chianáin and David Rane, is a perfectly sweet film...
Despite being criticised at Cannes Film Festival back in May this year...
It’s not often that film and theatre can coalesce together. Many such projects result in...
Denis Villeneuve has established himself as one of the most...
The awe-inspiring Rocky Mountains, stretching from Canada to New Mexico are great to...
In a climate abundant with films and documentaries making the generic claim to be “of this...
The Glass Castle is the long-awaited film adaptation of Jeannette Walls’s bestselling memoir...
Directed by established animator and screenwriter Masaaki Yuasa, The Night Is...
Acclaimed English director Michael Winterbottom followed indie rock band Wolf Alice during their 2016...
Sequels to acclaimed feature films should often be taken with a pinch of salt –...