In the arena of children’s animation, there’s been a progressive complexity since Pixar’s...
Catalan writer/director Albert Serra showcases French legendary actor Jean-Pierre Léaud...
Having risen from their humble beginnings into the dawn of a bleak new world, the...
Lightning McQueen may be ageing, but there’s life in Pixar yet as this high-octane animation...
David Lynch: The Art Life is not the first documentary to reflect on how an...
Adapted from the acclaimed story by Project Itoh, the unfortunately-titled Genocidal Organ is a...
Sofia Coppola’s The Beguiled takes place in 1864 Virginia, during the Civil War. An enemy...
To non-anime fans, the synopsis of The Boy and the Beast could sound a lot more...
Eduardo Williams’s lack of introduction propels us deep into the lives of young men and...
After directing Cop Car, Jon Watts returns this year with a big project: Spider-Man:...