For six years critically acclaimed filmmaker Laura Poitras has followed Julian Assange, being granted...
Don’t be deceived by the giant anthropomorphic pig: this film has a full agenda and...
Kedi is a profoundly moving documentary that explores the hidden lives of Istanbul’s street cats....
All animated children’s movies have two things in common: a plot is harder to find...
The premise of All Eyez on Me is an interesting one, promising “the untold story...
Ove is a simple man, hard-working, bad-tempered and broken inside, who decides one day life...
Scores of films set in the Second World War have depicted the European experience,...
It is difficult to be inventive when making a film set during World War II,...
Director Randall Wright’s Summer in the Forest provides a thoughtful and refined insight...
In what is now the fifth instalment of Michael Bay’s money-making baby,...