Night Swim is another feature-length horror that began life as a short film. Whereas the...
Sky’s New Year’s Day release of Arthur’s Whisky started 2024 off with a wave of...
Alice Englert hit the Sundance Film Festival with her debut feature Bad Behaviour, a film...
Freelance, the latest project from Taken director Pierre Morel, sees John Cena star as former...
Antonina Miliukova first lays eyes on Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky at a mutual friend’s...
The mid-1990s. The era of cool Britannia, Blur, Oasis, New Labour and an emerging sense...
Written, directed and starring Dan Levy (Schlitt’s Creek) in his feature debut, Good Grief begins...
The Boy and the Heron is a majestic piece of animation from renowned Studio Ghibli...
Sony’s follow-up to the summer’s explicitly non-romantic comedy No Hard Feelings is an...
One Life is the much-anticipated biopic of Sir Nicholas Winton, the man who saved 669...