Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s stunning film, titled Cemetery of Splendour, takes the world...
“War is cruelty. There is no way to reform it. The crueller it is, the...
Eva Husson debuts her first feature film Bang Gang, a dreamy picture that follows...
Classical fairy tales are among the oldest sources of inspiration to storytellers of all kinds,...
Helen Walsh has established a name for herself with a string of successful novels and...
Across the Highlands of Scotland and through its lively cities, singer Aidan Moffat...
The inflow of migrants crossing the Mediterranean and arriving in precarious,...
“Dedicated to all the people whose song we’ll...
With a gutsy, go-getting, and occasionally funny female lead, The Boss is dripping with potential, a...
In one sense, Where to Invade Next finds master documentarian Michael Moore in familiar...