Heartwarming, engaging and based on true events, thriller Hard Tide tells the story of Jake, played...
Most people can recall the horror, the anger and the utter disgust that they felt...
Written by Nicholas Martin and directed by Stephen Frears, Florence Foster Jenkins is a...
With an opening and close carried by an absorbing score that echoes the mystery and...
Films based on video games have historically not been very well received. A lot of...
Demolition held a lot of promise. From director Jean-Marc Vallee, whose last two films (Dallas...
After the first volume of the Arabian Nights trilogy stunned...
Directed by James Watkins and starring Idris Elba and former Game of Thrones star Richard...
Not a disaster by its own cheap and cheerful standards, Golden Years, partly penned by...
Kicking Off is a humorous commentary on the insidious effects of sports mania – an...