Directed by Kirk Jones (of Nanny McPhee), written by lead actor Nia Vardalos, and...
Resilience and heroism are rife in this animation adventure fantasy. Originally released in...
Unrelenting, unsettling, yet endlessly gripping, the Alice Winocour-directed Disorder has a tension...
Are there places where comedy should not venture, subjects that are so sensitive that presenting...
Chile’s pre-eminent filmmaker Pablo Larrain’s works (Tony Manero, Post Mortem, No) have focused...
Bill Murray stars in the somewhat risky and undeniably cringe-worthy comedy, Rock the Kasbah....
The single-shot film, where the entire running length is comprised of one continuous take, is still...
From the briefest glance through Mojave’s credits, you would be forgiven for assuming that this...
“I’m sorry, but no one is looking for you,” rumbles John Goodman’s doomsday prepper...