The story of a deadly cult and its enigmatic leader, Ariel Kleiman’s Partisan is a...
Set among the sprawling cornfields of rural Iowa, At Any Price seeks to explore issues...
A film in which the Catholic Church is the villain, challenged by a team of...
“I don’t need a prince”, say a determined and imaginative young Joy at the beginning...
Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight opens with a remarkable image: Samuel L Jackson’s...
Writer/director Leslye Headland made waves with her debut, Bachelorette, and returns...
The unimaginable feeling of freedom is beautifully encapsulated in Tom Hooper’s film about one...
For a movie about Japanese gangster vampires, Yakuza Apocalypse is remarkably dull. At least at...
This award-winning documentary on the Nigerian political landscape since the country’s...