Directed and co-written by Sean Anders (Horrible Bosses 2, Dumb and Dumber To), Daddy’s Home...
An agonisingly trite and poorly compiled affair, Sparks and Embers is a paltry serving to...
Director Colin Kennedy’s debut feature is an adaptation of Ewan Morrison’s 2007 novel about swinging...
Without a doubt the most anticipated movie of our decade, The Force Awakens feels,...
If you’re thinking the innocent-house-party-goes-wrong storyline has already been milked, you’d be...
Ron Howard’s new epic tells the true story of the whaleship Essex and the events...
Back in 1995, one of the most infamous gang killings in British history took place....
Mockumentary films such as District 9 and This Is Spinal Tap have already proven that...
One of the hardest challenges when putting together a documentary is finding...