Flamboyant and fabulous throughout, Dressed as a Girl documents the baroque world of East...
Elliot Gleave (better known as rapper Example) will take all the headlines for his acting...
There are only a few works able to capture the passion, sweat and sheer effort...
It’s been nearly 15 years since writer/director Alejandro Amenábar presented himself to Hollywood...
Canadian philosopher Marshall MacLuhan, arguably the quintessential figure of...
Listen to Me, Marlon is a documentary about Marlon Brando, mainly narrated by Brando...
The award winning Tell Spring Not To Come This Year explores the aftermath of...
Boasting a cast list brimming with veterans of some of the best TV comedy of...
Marc Silver has been billed as director, photographer and “Social Impact...
The opening scene sets the keening pitch of this drug-trade thriller, where violence is casual...