Having spent a lifetime creating one of the most successful franchises in cinematic history, what...
Liv Ullman’s fifth film as a director is an adaptation of August Lindberg’s famous play...
No rescue, no refuge: this by-line describes what No Escape is about exceptionally well. Starring Owen...
Following the last day of his life, Pasolini sees how great Italian poet, novelist and...
Named after their 1988 debut album, Straight Outta Compton follows the rise and fall of...
What makes a healthy relationship? Why do so many fail? And what is love? It...
Vacation is a continuation of the 1983 film franchise National Lampoon’s Vacation. That’s the...
“It’s kind of like a David and Goliath story out there” explains Tim Foley, his...
In a new English version of George Bizet’s most enduring work, Carmen, currently...