Anti-Social follows brothers Dee and Marcus as they try to survive the streets of London...
German auteur filmmaker Edgar Reitz returns to the fictitious German...
Monsters: Dark Continent is the sequel to the 2010 film Monsters, which centres on how...
A Letter to Momo is a quirky but downbeat little gem from Japanese anime studio...
A tender documentary about the life and work of unassuming singer-songwriter Elliott Smith,...
In the Blood, the debut release of director Marc Abraham, opened yesterday to a sold-out...
The French writer/director team Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache follow the success of The Untouchables...
As a rock band that embraced “mod”, The Who helped unite two warring British youth...
The third and final instalment of Roy Andersson’s trilogy...
The finest computer hackers in Hollywood always seem to have a safety net when they...