The Decent One is a documentary film propelled by a narrative patchwork of letters, diary...
New film Run All Night presents its two main protagonists Jimmy Conlon (Liam Neeson) and...
The Tale of Princess Kaguya is a richly-drawn and heart-wrenching new film by Studio...
As the camera pans across the impressive Chicago skyline, without prior knowledge of the subject...
When considering war, the military strategy and major political groups involved tend to feature...
A small but powerful Ethiopian drama, Difret tells an engaging tale of the case that...
Considering the extent to which the Internet pervades our lives, and for how long, it’s...
The latest big screen caper from everybody’s favourite...
The newest animated film by Dreamworks offers an original story, full of laughs and an...
The illustrious Sean Penn has decided to undergo a mid-life venture into action films, with...