My Name Is Salt is an informed and graceful exploration of the lives of the...
Unashamedly honest and emotionally rigorous, Appropriate Behaviour is the spiky cinematic...
The plot for The Boy Next Door, a new psychological thriller starring Jennifer Lopez, is...
Having already sold a staggering 100 million copies, Fifty Shades of Grey seemed ripe to...
Taking an animated classic, over 60 years old, and transforming it into a modern, live-action...
“None of this is fun”, teenager Josh (Samuel Davies) says to his mother Bethan (Melanie...
The 2007 murder of British exchange student Meredith Kercher in Italy was an incident...
Documenting the best-selling boy band of all time,...
After winning stellar reviews for his directorial debut Tony, Gerard Johnson offers nothing less...
The Duke of Burgundy is an immediate success on at least one level: thanks to...