Movie reviews


  • Movie
    Rio 2

    The Vue theatre in Leicester Square is transformed into a tropical rainforest for the VIP...

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    Taking the definition of film to its literal boundaries, director Godfrey Reggio’s Visitors is a...

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    How many dystopian action fantasy novels and films will we need before questions start to...

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    Calvary comes with a set of high expectations; written and directed by John Michael McDonagh,...

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    The Love Punch

    According to Emma Thompson’s grandmother, your heart must have been broken at least ten times...

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    Darren Aronofsky has an excellent track record, which is why Noah is so frustrating: a...

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    Broadway’s Romeo & Juliet

    Perpetuating the filmed-on-stage-for-the-screen trend already seen with The...

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    Almost Married

    Anyone who’s been to university or Magaluf or the Watford branch of Oceana probably has...

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    20 Feet from Stardom

    Morgan Neville takes us on a musical journey into the largely untold talent and dreams...

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    The Borderlands

    Bringing paranormal activity to the West Country, writer/director Elliot Goldner’s attempt at...