A touching story of artist and apprentice set in an occupied France, this war-torn tale...
Inspired by his own upbringing, writer and director Amit Gupta presents Jadoo, a film about...
For Roland Emmerich, a director who seems to revel in capturing the cinematic destruction of...
Once upon a time there was a young lad determined to follow in the traditions...
Based on the 18th century novel by Denis Diderot, The Nun (aka La Religieuse) follows...
Rome has never been so cruel, beautiful and nostalgic as it is in Paolo Sorrentino’s...
Fast cars, beautiful women, fiery explosions – Ron Howard’s Rush has all the elements of...
Every one of the 103 minutes of this film is totally immersive and captivating, proving...
The world’s bees are disappearing. In a phenomenon termed Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD),...