Set in the mid-1970s during a hard winter of power failures and police cuts, toughened...
Metro Manila is intimate and emotional, following the struggle of a Filipino family who move...
This well-constructed insight into the hype of Def Leppard’s Hysteria tour at...
An ideal combination of drama, action and suspense, Rowan Athale’s directorial debut The Rise is...
Best known for her role in Adult Swim’s madcap Children’s Hospital, Lake Bell writes,...
“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” The...
A touching story of artist and apprentice set in an occupied France, this war-torn tale...
Inspired by his own upbringing, writer and director Amit Gupta presents Jadoo, a film about...
For Roland Emmerich, a director who seems to revel in capturing the cinematic destruction of...