Movie reviews


  • Movie
    The Wolverine

    The tension and anxiousness was palpable, as fans and critics alike have anticipated this second...

  • Movie
    The Heat

    There is a moment halfway through The Heat when Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock blows a...

  • Movie
    The Conjuring

    The Conjuring begins as so many horror films do: Carolyn (Lilli Taylor, Six Feet Under)...

  • Movie
    Four:Play – The Vignettes

    “Why do you keep calling it ‘gay marriage’? It’s not called ‘gay going to...

  • Movie

    In an age of global connectivity, where social networking keeps the everyman in touch...

  • Movie
    The Frozen Ground

    The plot is a sombre one: Scott Walker’s Alaskan crime thriller, The Frozen Ground, is...

  • Movie
    The World’s End

    And they’re back…but for how much longer? That is the question, as the trio responsible...

  • Movie
    Pacific Rim

    Bringing a colossal combination of alien monsters and manmade robots is director Guillermo Del...

  • Movie
    Easy Money

    Easy Money is Daniel Espinosa’s take on the 2006 novel Snabba Cash by Jens Lapidus....

  • Movie
    Chasing Mavericks

    Sports dramas are generally predictable and anyone expecting Chasing Mavericks to break the...