Die Hard is back. (Sort of). Only months after the franchise’s latest instalment, Olympus...
Based on disturbing true events, Our Children (originally titled À perdre la raison – “to...
The Look of Love is in many ways much like 24 Hour Party People, Winterbottom...
For quite some time our cultural imagination has been attracted to fantasy, filling entertainment with...
There have been some indisputably great rock ‘n’ roll films over the years: Wayne’s World,...
Unrelentingly tense, Rebellion (original title, L’Ordre et la Morale)...
Dror Moreh is a little known filmmaker whose debut feature on Israeli statesman Ariel Sharon...
Director Joseph Kosinski’s Oblivion is visually spectacular. Barely a second goes by without...
An American in Paris has long been a movie metaphor for a search for romance and...