Movie reviews


  • Movie
    All Stars

    Cashing in on the craze for youth-orientated dance films, director Ben Gregor’s first feature All...

  • Movie
    Beware of Mr Baker

    Beware of Mr Baker is a biopic of the drummer Ginger Baker, best known for...

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    Olympus Has Fallen

    Die Hard is back. (Sort of). Only months after the franchise’s latest instalment, Olympus...

  • Movie
    Our Children

    Based on disturbing true events, Our Children (originally titled À perdre la raison – “to...

  • Movie
    The Look of Love

    The Look of Love is in many ways much like 24 Hour Party People, Winterbottom...

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    Evil Dead

    How many times will directors be able to get away with filming a horror movie...

  • Movie

    For quite some time our cultural imagination has been attracted to fantasy, filling entertainment with...

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    Bula Quo

    There have been some indisputably great rock ‘n’ roll films over the years: Wayne’s World,...

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    Rebellion (L’Ordre et la Morale)

    Unrelentingly tense, Rebellion (original title, L’Ordre et la Morale)...

  • Movie
    The Gatekeepers

    Dror Moreh is a little known filmmaker whose debut feature on Israeli statesman Ariel Sharon...