Post Tenebras Lux begins with a young child roaming around a field whilst the sky...
Compliance is a drama film based on the real life strip-search prank calls that happened...
Once asked about his role in Steven Seagal’s graceless On Deadly Ground, Michael Caine replied...
Beethoven’s music may be old, but as it is played throughout A Late Quartet it continues...
Vinyl could not have been directed by anyone other than Welsh actress/director Sara Sugarman. Based...
All too often the over-saturated film industry churns out stories in which...
Writer/director Paul Bush presents Babeldom, his first feature-length film, which reflects on modern...
Directed by Kirk De Micco and Chris Sanders, The Croods is essentially a modern-day version...
American patriotism is at its shining best in this 2012 remake of John Milius’ 1984...