This year’s chosen film to support the...
Post Tenebras Lux begins with a young child roaming around a field whilst the sky...
There aren’t many films that can get away with a running time that exceeds...
With Oscar season rearing its golden head soon, it is roughly this time of year...
Not quite your usual Christmas-spirited movie for the festive season, Boxing Day is the slow-burning,...
Babette’s Feast is many things: a fairy tale, a delicate and at times slightly surreal...
Hitting all the right notes with its tuneful combination of music and humour, Pitch Perfect...
It hasn’t even been a year since the BBC’s adaptation of Charles Dickens’ Great...
In a marked change in tone from director Ben Wheatley’s fabulous Kill List, Sightseers is...
Achieving the rare combination of subtlety and brutality, Bullhead is one of the most striking...