Brandon Cronenberg’s debut film is a disturbingly imaginable exploration of a not-too-distant...
In Japanese, the title of Hirokazu Kore-eda’s movie means miracle, and this film really feels...
Since the fall out of Twilight (2008), a series now permanently ingrained in the pop...
Eighteen months in the making, The Road: A Story of Life and Death is another...
Based on the actual events that went down in December 1995, The Fall of the...
With a backdrop of crystal oceans and rich coral atolls, this winsome 3D sequel to...
In the opening scene where Alfred Hitchcock breaks the third wall and addresses the audience,...
Everyone has seen Toy Story, and...
Graham Chapman, most commonly known as “the dead one from Monty Python”, stars in...
Sylvester Stallone’s latest outing is an adaptation of French graphic novel series Du Plombe...