Post Tenebras Lux begins with a young child roaming around a field whilst the sky...
There aren’t many films that can get away with a running time that exceeds...
With Oscar season rearing its golden head soon, it is roughly this time of year...
Not quite your usual Christmas-spirited movie for the festive season, Boxing Day is the slow-burning,...
Babette’s Feast is many things: a fairy tale, a delicate and at times slightly surreal...
Hitting all the right notes with its tuneful combination of music and humour, Pitch Perfect...
It hasn’t even been a year since the BBC’s adaptation of Charles Dickens’ Great...
In a marked change in tone from director Ben Wheatley’s fabulous Kill List, Sightseers is...
Achieving the rare combination of subtlety and brutality, Bullhead is one of the most striking...
Barnaby Southcombe’s I, Anna is a self-professed “film noir with European sensibility”,...