The ultimate revenge game; Truth or Dare is a horror film made up from psychological...
London: The Modern Babylon is a documentary collage of cut archive footage combined...
Directed by Christian Petzold and set in provincial eastern Germany, Barbara is the intense story...
Ghosts and gangsters in haunted art house movie. Bound within a house, ghosts and gangsters...
Directed by Alastair Siddons, In the Dark Half is a darkly atmospheric melding of social...
Directed by David Bowers, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days is an enjoyable film...
Once again, Norwegian crime author Jo Nesbø’s story has provided a gripping narrative to this...
The final instalment in director Christopher Nolan’s rebooted...
Directed by Ron Scalpello and written by Paul Van Carter, Offender delivers an action- packed thriller....
Nerdy teen Cyrus can only voice his true feelings for the...