Epic Tails is the new CG-animated film following ambitious little mouse Pattie and her adopted...
A deeply personal tale set against the backdrop of post-industrial Newcastle in its teething...
Women Talking, the latest feature by Canadian filmmaker and former actress Sarah Polley, has...
Documentary filmmaker Jason Kohn’s third film, Nothing Lasts Forever, asks the seemingly...
The next American apocalyptic psychological thriller film to come from director and producer M...
Almost a year after Pam & Tommy released on Disney+ to tell what it claimed...
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish chronicles a fearless hero’s journey to regain his...
Remarkably, She Is Love marks director Jamie Adams’s 10th feature in eight years. Far from...
Alice Diop’s career has thus far been concerned with the non-fiction storytelling medium of...
There has been a lot of buzz surrounding Darren Aronofsky‘s latest feature, The Whale, mainly...