Each year, during the lead up to Mardi Gras, the Island of...
Irish folklore has proved a fertile breeding ground for folk horror in recent years, with...
A retrograde movement, in military jargon, refers to the movement away from an enemy. Matthew...
Despite being prohibited to make films by the Iranian authorities, writer-director Jafar Panahi (who’s...
The Bradford Movie Makers have been holding meetings every Monday since 1932; they are one...
On the face of it, Lyra (pronounced Leer-rah) is a documentary charting the events leading...
Mainstream cinema has always been shy about queerness. LGBTQ+ stories have, more often than not,...
Two people who exist on the fringes of society, apparently barely tolerated by their own...
In 1968, Joy is pregnant with her second child when she experiences dizzy spells and...