Movie reviews


  • Movie
    A Love Song

    Framed by soaring mountains and a gleaming lake in Southwestern Colorado, a weathered woman (Dale...

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    This Is Christmas

    December is here, which means it’s that time of year when Christmas romcoms appear...

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    Charlotte follows the life and story of Charlotte Salomon, a Jewish artist whose collection of...

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    A sinister mystery is at play in Lorcan Finnegan’s (Vivarium) Nocebo when Diana (Chai Fonacier)...

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    Andrew Semans’s Resurrection, which closes a 10-year gap on his first feature, demonstrates a...

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    The Alleys

    The Alleys takes place in the claustrophobic backstreets of Amman, Jordan, where people’s lives are...

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    The Infernal Machine

    After his first and only novel, The Infernal Machine, became linked with a school shooting...

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    Hotel for the Holidays

    Is it fair to assess a Christmas romcom like any other film? After all, their...

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    Your Christmas or Mine?

    Your Christmas or Mine? follows new lovers James (Asa Butterfield) and Hayley (Cora...

  • Movie

    Netflix documentary Sr begins with Robert Downey Jr planning to make a film about his...