Mark Walberg stars as Mike, a blue-collar construction worker from New Jersey, in Netflix action...
Set in a distant future, the seventh film of the Alien franchise explores the grim...
The action genre remains one of the most tired and bloated, often resigned to the...
Documentaries centred on a group of prisoners often focus on aspects of their prison experience...
George Jaques’ directorial debut Black Dog was one of the most promising indie showings at...
It was back in 2002 when writer Neil Gaiman’s dark fantasy children’s novel Coraline was...
Starring Matt Damon and Casey Affleck (the latter of which co-wrote the screenplay), The...
After enabling and producing his daughter Ishana’s directorial debut The Watchers a few months ago...
Not since Don’t Worry Darling has the behaviour of the talent promoting a film been...
Over the last two decades, there has been a consistent wave of successful videogames getting...