Director Parker Finn makes his feature film debut by writing and directing an adaptation of...
Adapted from Paul Gallico’s 1958 novel, Mrs ‘Arris Goes to Paris, Anthony Fabian’s...
The plot of British director Peter Strickland’s latest project, Flux Gourmet, revolves around...
What Elvis was to this year’s Cannes Film Festival, Blonde was to Venice: an eagerly-awaited...
Finnish director Alli Haapasalo has already picked up an award at this year’s Sundance Film...
Based on the 2016 short story, Saying Goodbye To Yang, by Alexander Weinstein, After Yang...
Sidney follows the life, work and artistry of late actor-turned-director Sidney Poitier. It honours his...
Juniper berries have traditionally been used for anti-arthritic, anti-diabetic and antiseptic purposes....
In a gated community in the desert, men work for the highly classified “Victory...
Wealthy couple Adam (Dobromir Dymecki) and Anna (Agnieszka Zulewska) have arrived at a lavish rental...