The Innocents is not for the fainthearted. The audience meets Ida (Rakel Lenora Fløttum), a...
Terence Davies’s plaintive biopic, about decorated soldier Siegfried Sassoon, explores the...
“A whole lot of terrible shit happens when me and Warren get into a...
In an idyllic summer in 1981, shy nine-year-old Cáit (a show-stealing...
Gaspar Noé, generally a director of provocations, has made an elegant and candid feature in...
It’s always exciting when writer/directors Daniel Kwan and Daniel...
Marking the directorial debut of Rosalind Moss, Father Stu takes us on the spiritual odyssey...
If Joker was exploited by Todd Philips to be a Scorsese homage within...
Grossing only $2 million worldwide against a $50 million budget, The Contractor should now be...
In 2009, directors Lars Edman and William Johansson Kalén released A Toxic Playground, a documentary...