Movie reviews


  • Movie
    Small Body

    The first feature from director Laura Samani, Small Body, tells the story of Agata (Celeste...

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    Night’s End

    Divorced dad and budding YouTuber Ken (Geno Walker) moves to a new apartment in a...

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    Morbius will be critic-proof to a lot of cinema-goers who will simply see anything related...

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    Sonic the Hedgehog 2

    Doctor “Eggman” Robotnik may wail, “Not that irritating hedgehog again!” but...

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    Director Michael Bay is back with his trademark dizzying camerawork and intense action sequences in...

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    The Novice

    The Novice is to rowing what Whiplash is to drumming, a comparison that’s especially apt...

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    The Bad Guys

    The latest Dreamworks release is set to be a treat for young cinemagoers. Mixing 2D...

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    The Worst Person in the World

    Julie (Renata Reinsve) started med school because of the difficulty level for...

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    Windfall is eerie, from the yellow filter and ominous soundtrack floating through its entirety to...

  • Movie
    One of These Days

    A dramatic retelling of S R Bindler’s 1997 documentary Hands On A Hardbody, this solid,...