Strange World is a beautiful, animated exploration of a treacherous and emotive journey to an...
After a meet-cute and the promise to go out the following day, Lisa and...
Luca Guadagnino’s adaptation of Camille DeAngelis’s coming-of-age novel was among the most...
Doppelgängers, owls that are not what they seem, significative white noise and a...
A screen adaptation of the gargantuan, critically and commercially successful...
2019’s Knives Out saw Rian Johnson nudge Agatha Christie’s golden age...
Part of the appeal of contemporary prestige drama is in its ability to capture the...
After watching Gary (Pete Davidson) from the other side of a crowded bar, Sheila (Kaley...
Gavin Fitzgerald’s Million Dollar Pigeons takes viewers into the competitive and madcap...