A spin-off of 2019’s Shazam!, Black Adam tells the story of Teth-Adam (Dwayne Johnson), a...
Premiering Triangle of Sadness at Cannes Film Festival 2022 was a bold choice. Five years...
Rosaline is a fairytale for the disillusioned – for those sick of the poetic bravado...
Adapted from the bestselling novel by Gregory David Roberts, Apple TV’s Shantaram sees Charlie Hunnam...
The creators of the Westworld series, Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, are taking audiences to...
It’s 1st April 1923 on the Irish island of Inisherin, when, out of the blue, Colm...
After suffering a severe stroke, Patrick Hazlewood (Rupert Everett) is taken in by a couple...
Billing Goran Stolevski’s debut feature, You Won’t Be Alone, as a horror may seem...
When outsider Henry (Sean Harris) has a chance encounter with Mark (Joel Edgerton) on a...