Based on the true story of “The World’s Worst Golfer”, The Phantom of the Open...
Master is a thought-provoking horror drama with an incredibly interesting central theme, but also some...
A Banquet tells the story of widowed mother Holly (Sienna Guillory), who, after the shocking...
Turning Red is easily Pixar’s best film since Coco, and that’s no small statement coming...
There’s a meme on the Internet that pokes fun at Dwayne Johnson, depicting the star...
Red Rocket tells the story of Mikey Saber (Simon Rex), a former adult film star...
Based on the novel of the same name by Walter Mosley, The Last Days of...
Only last summer, during the European Championships, Germany’s goalkeeper was investigated by...
The Affair’s Ruth Wilson has another affair in True Things, a British relationship drama based...