Maggie Gyllenhaal’s directorial debut The Lost Daughter premiered in September at Venice Film...
The Story of Film: A Film Odyssey was first released in 2011 as a 15-part...
Jason Statham stars in Wrath of Man (a loose adaptation of French film Le Convoyeur),...
Clifford the Big Red Dog follows one central cliché: “People who are unique are the...
Lola and the Sea is a beautifully realistic take on the estranged relationships that can...
Studiocanal is marking the tenth anniversary of Tomas Alfredson’s...
Being the Ricardos explores the rocky relationship between Lucille Ball (Nicole Kidman) and...
The King’s Man is the prequel to Kingsman and the third movie in the franchise. Directed once again by action film veteran Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass, Layer Cake), it takes the story back to the early 20th century to explore the origin story of how the British spy agency was first formed during the...