Jakob’s Wife tells the story of Anne (Barbara Crampton), the titular wife of small-town...
The seaside city of Rimini, in the northern Italian...
Following the introduction of the multiverse in Loki, Marvel’s What If…? makes for the perfect...
The stars of animated film Paw Patrol: The Movie are a team of puppy heroes...
The textbook definition of the Modern Love series is that it’s an anthology about love,...
After losing her mother in a car crash, 17-year-old Ida (Sandra Guldberg Kampp) is sent...
If you could design a lover and calibrate them to your every desire, would you...
It’s 1960 and tensions between the USSR and the US are at breaking point. The...
A serial killer is on the loose in Pensacola, Florida as several young women have...
While more digestible, the fourth and last instalment to the franchise...