Renowned American scholar and folklorist Henry Glassie has spent his long career...
What kind of the deal with the devil has Ben Falcone struck to continue making...
Tae-Goo (Uhm Tae-goo) is a noble but refined gangster who answers to his seemingly loyal...
Jamie Adams’ Bittersweet Symphony doesn’t hit a single note right. An insipid story,...
Final Days begins with a familiar image: alone, trudging around his home, an ill man...
The quest for easy money is never simple; in fact, it can get downright chaotic...
The consensus of various studies over the years is that...
Prospective viewers should not be fooled into thinking The Power is only concerned with a paranormal...
Based on the life of Fernande Grudet, more commonly known as “Madame Claude”, Sylvie...