Following 2016’s acclaimed documentary Fuocoammare, which offered a glimpse of life on the island of...
In a perfect example of how to make the Irish countryside look cold, bleak and...
There have been a few really great sub-90 minute films recently: Mark Jenkin’s Bait was...
Justine is a thoughtful, considered exploration into addiction from director Jamie Patterson (Tucked),...
Look through the flaws of Foster Boy and there’s a hard-hitting legal drama revealing atrocities in...
It’s perhaps unfair to expect television of newly epic proportions when a series casts Bryan...
When Adri (Álvaro Cervantes) – a cynical Spanish journalist who spends his time writing trashy...
The follow-up to 2017’s animated film The Son of Bigfoot is an action-packed adventure that...
In the final moments of Judas and the Black Messiah, director Shaka King cuts back...
Christopher Wallace had a story worth telling. Director Emmett Malloy knows this...