Crobar: Music When the Lights Go Out, a new short documentary from...
In 1988 John McClane infiltrated the Nakatomi Plaza in a daring mission to thwart a...
Director Ryan White’s (A Case Against 8, The Keepers) most recent venture is Assassins. The...
Schemers is an indie comedy based on true events taking place around Iron Maiden’s fabled...
A quiet, sensory marvel, Away was released earlier this month in the UK....
January is an infamous time for horror movies. From poor Paranormal Activity sequels to...
Times are changing, that’s for sure. The technological age has undoubtedly shaped the way in...
Two couples escape to a rented retreat on the coast, only to grow suspicious that...
In a series of interviews, documentary maker Marc Isaacs crafts a feature film in his...
Current events in the West add a chilling, cautionary perspective to this documentary about the...