Forget the glitz and glamour of spy thrillers: Tracking Edith delves into the complexities of...
The Meg is ridiculous shark-shlock with wisecracking dialogue, big splashes and an even bigger fish. The...
In 2001, German filmmaker Thomas Riedelsheimer directed Rivers and Tides, an award-winning...
The ensemble comedy Dog Days is an ambitious film exploring the connection between canines and...
Bursting with lust, love, anguish and heartache. Cruising at a steady, subdued pace, taking in...
Teen dystopian drama The Darkest Minds is an ambitious feature based on Alexandra Bracken’s...
Under the Tree (Undir trénu), Iceland’s foreign language entry at the Oscars earlier this year,...
This feels like the film Wim Wenders wanted to make. That the Vatican...
Praise be! Hallelujah! Another faith-based movie about how Christianity can save one’s soul...