The Cloverfield series is perhaps the greatest case study of innovative movie marketing...
Set in the not-so-apocalyptic year of 2012, Zhenya (Maryana Spivak) and husband Boris (Aleksey Rozin)...
Five years after the release of its precursor arrives a sequel...
“Dreams are the seed of action.” So says our protagonist Donald Crowhurst, played expertly...
After the earthquake of 1906, the Winchester mansion in California had partially collapsed. The owner,...
These days, regardless of multi-million dollar debt, Netflix appears to throw money at virtually...
Nothing can be deleted forever, especially with all the high-tech devices in our pockets; traces...
Following the Oscar-nominated success of his directorial debut, Nightcrawler, writer-director...
The winner of the Critics’ Week Grand Prize at Cannes 2017, Makala, is an exhibition...