With all the familiar elements of a coming-of-age film – talented young cast, dislocation between...
High speed chases, death-defying stunts and a race against time to outsmart a classic, cunning...
Director Cédric Klapisch is arguably best known for his Spanish Apartment trilogy, comprised of...
Set in the Limehouse area of Victorian East London – malevolence wafting through the...
In 2002, the gory, incendiary Dog Soldiers caught the attention of the entire British film...
The exceptional documentary The Farthest, from the mind of Irish writer/director Emer Reynolds, is...
Mix the cinematic ingenuity of Guy Ritchie with the musical direction of Edgar Wright and...
Who better to take on the role of real-life Barry Seal, an infamous pilot, drug...
Steven Soderbergh, who had intended 2013’s Side Effects to be his final theatrical film, made...
The visionary directors of our time will be remembered for their talent for combining genres....