Beatriz at Dinner is the politically charged social date with its...
Wonder Woman, much like the movie’s title character, has a lot of responsibility riding on...
Jonathan Cenzual Burley’s The Shepherd tells the story of Anselmo (Miguel Martín),...
After the Storm is the latest work from the great Japanese director Hirokazu Koreeda. Known...
Dough is a sweet British comedy that explores identity, religion and inter-generational friendships against...
Based on Gilles Paris’s novel Autobiographie d’une Courgette, the stop-motion...
Sachin Tendulkar: a legend of the cricketing world, and the hero of a nation. He...
The film adaptation of Stephen Fry’s The Hippopotamus is no less an exposé of the...
As we would expect with a franchise that has spanned over a...