In the latest instalment of the Underworld saga, director Anna Foerster delivers another...
The Young Offenders, Peter Foott’s buddy comedy, takes inspiration from Ireland’s...
Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone have been following a trajectory of the bona fide movie...
Thomas Lilti’s latest feature offers a highly subtle, if not wholly...
Death, heartbreak and the mundane absurdity of everyday life: this, in short, is the...
As we complete the transition from one terrible year into what might be another, it’s...
Possibly Chilean filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky’s best work, his...
In the world of computer viruses, there are three types of authors: hackers who infect...
Blade Runner 2049 is one of the most anticipated movies of 2017. Set 30 years...
Why do video games make terrible movies? Simple: a video game can function without a...