Cinema & Tv


  • Movie
    Ghost in the Shell

    How much you get out of Ghost in the Shell will depend on how much...

  • Movie
    Tickling Giants

    Some argue that “laughter is the best medicine”. This idea is particularly significant within...

  • Movie
    Free Fire

    Give a man a gun, and he’ll be dead within the hour. Teach a man...

  • Movie
    A Quiet Passion

    A Quiet Passion follows the story of 19th century American poet Emily Dickinson, from her time...

  • Movie
    The Void

    Assault on Precinct 13 meets The Thing is likely how Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski,...

  • Movie
    Man Down

    Dito Montiel’s Man Down is a stark, ambitious and largely well-executed invocation of the socially...

  • Movie

    The uncertainty of parenthood is painfully wrought in Romanian director Cristian Mungiu’s latest...

  • Movie
    Zip and Zap and the Marble Gang

    Zip and Zap and the Marble Gang is a healthy dose of family fun, which,...

  • Movie
    Don’t Knock Twice

    It’s often been said that horror films are the best place to locate commonplace fears...

  • Movie
    Power Rangers

    The superhero movie no one wanted, needed or expected, Power Rangers isn’t half as bad...