The ordinary is extraordinary in Jim Jarmusch’s charming film, Paterson, about the poets of the world...
Two young and attractive lovers travel to Thailand together to “find themselves”...
After the launch of the LEGO Dimensions action-adventure video game in September last year, now...
Kiyoshi Kurosawa, the Japanese prolific filmmaker who is now in his 60s, has made a...
A United Kingdom tells the extraordinary true story of Sir Seretse Khama and Ruth Williams....
Leaving aside the tabloids and the parallel narrative that has preceded the release of the...
Mum’s List tells the story of the Greene family, who suffer the tragic loss of...
A joyful film about celebrating cultural roots and identity through music, “making sure...
Magnus tells the story of a young prodigy from Norway, Magnus Karlsen, who set the...
There’s something rather irksome about the fact that, after two hours...