The third instalment in the dystopian Divergent Series, Allegiant, continues the...
Xavier Giannoli has a gift for the absurd. The French writer-director of Superstar, a highly...
Writer/director Robert Eggers’ debut film The Witch is a beautifully constructed work with...
Born as a kind of conceptual companion piece to his 2010 essay Nostalgia for the...
This is good, clean, feel-good, family fun. Eddie the Eagle is Britain’s very own Cool...
Xavier Giannoli is a César-nominated director. His latest film,...
Scandinavian cinema has seen something of a revival of late, with gripping TV dramas like...
The playful romp that is Kung Fu Panda 3, the latest installment of this highly...
Ahead of the release of Zootropolis, the latest Disney animated...