This film uses documentary footage, vintage news reels and the tape recordings from various...
Kevin Costner stars in director Niki Caro’s (Whale Rider) sports drama McFarland, USA, which tells...
Produced by and starring BAFTA-winner Ray Panthaki, Keri Collins’s Convenience showcases the best...
One can be forgiven for thinking Whitey is a Hollywood...
Guillermo del Toro’s latest film is a hyper-gothic fantasy filled with ghosts, gory bloodshed and...
Ten years in the making and with a running time of nearly two and a...
As fiction films in the big screen keep becoming more formulaic and derivative, the...
Grown-ups who fail to appreciate the courage and rebelliousness of children see nothing but...
Little-known feminist hero Warren makes her directing debut with MLE, a kick-starter funded comedy in...
The presence of a good hook can be the saving grace that elevates an entire...